[Math+Magic] Pro Edition for QuarkXPress
MathMagic Pro application v5.7
MathMagic XT for QuarkXPress 7.x (Universal Binary): v1.5
MathMagic XT for QuarkXPress 6.x: v1.5
Date of Release: April 7, 2008
Thank you for choosing MathMagic, the ultimate equation editor on the planet!
MathMagic Pro Edition for QuarkXPress is an equation editor mainly for use with QuarkXPress software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features that meet DTP quality requirements.
* Key Features
Click here to see the key features of MathMagic Pro Edition for QuarkXPress.
- MathMagic v5.42 or newer does not come with a native installer anymore. MathMagic on Mac OS X can now be installed manually by Drag&Drop. For the details, please refer to the "Manual Install" document in the disk image, or Installation Guide from
- MathMagic PS fonts are not included in the installer anymore. If you need PS fonts, please contact MathMagic customer support team with your Customer #.
- Added: MathML(.xml or .mml or .mathml) is supported in multiple ways: via File -> Open, drag&drop to MathMagic application icon, or by pasting MathML data in < math > tags into MM editor window. Exporting to MathML is also supported via File -> Export or Edit -> Copy As MathML.
- Added: Hyphen, en-dash, em-dash, 'n'-width dash, 'M'-width dash, and figure dash('0'-width dash) are supported in Spacing template palette. 'n'-width dash, 'M'-width dash, and figure dash are using hyphen('-') character and enlarge the width to match the width of the corresponding character. 'MM~' fonts do not have en- or em-dash so MathMagic converts to 'n'-width or 'M'-width dash for 'MM~' fonts.
- Added: option key based special character typing, such as • § ™ , are supported when a proper font is specified in Preferences-> Style-> Math.
- Added: Size and Location info of Main Toolbar floating window is now remembered, and Windows menu has a new menu item for reseting the location and size of floating windows.
- Added: New compact MMF file format and Web savvy Compressed format added, as well as backward compatibility option.
- Changed: Some Main Toolbar items relocated and resized for convenience.
- Changed: Some Image export options are moved from Preferences->Misc dialog pane to File->Import/Export options dialog.
- Fixed: Some memory leaks fixed while exporting in EPS.
- Fixed: The char width and position was incorrect for Type 1 PS fonts, especially when saved in EPS.
- Fixed: The height of subscript box invaded upward too much when tall contents inserted in Large Op templates with Subscript.
Please read Version History for the details.
Please refer to the User Guide manual for the details: III. 9 Using MathMagic XTensions in QuarkXPress. |
1. Installing
- Please read the "Manual Install" document found in the downloaded disk image for the step by step instruction.
- Make sure that MathMagic XT for 7.xnt is installed in the following location.
/Applications/QuarkXPress 7/XTensions/
2. Creating Equations
- Launch QuarkXPress application(v6.x or 7).
- Make a new document or open a document.
- Select MathMagic menu from the QuarkXPress main menu bar.
- Choose "New Equation" item
to create an equation.
If the cursor is located in the text box, the equation will be inserted in the cursor position as an In-line Graphic(ILG). Otherwise, the equation will be placed as an EPS graphic.
- You may select the Sigma tool button from the floating main toolbar to create an equation box, and then drag a rectangle in the document to specify the location of an equation once created by the external MathMagic Pro.
- You may also control-click(or
right button click) while the cursor is
in the text box, so that you can choose
the "New Equation" from the contextual
- If you either select "New
Equation" menu or drag a rectangle with
th Sigma tool, MathMagic Pro application
will be launched, if not running already,
and an empty equationd editor window will
be opened. In case MathMagic Pro application
is not launched automatically within a
few seconds, please launch the application
manually from the following location.
/Applications/MathMagic Pro Edition/
- Enter any equation in the MathMagic editor window, and then Close(cmd-W) or Save(cmd-S) the window. This will send the equation to the QuarkXPress document back.
3. Editing Equations
- Choose "Edit Equation..." item to edit the currently selected equation. Or, you may also control-click on the equation to bring up the contextual menu, after changing the cursor to the Arrow tool.
- After creating or editing of equation with the external MathMagic Pro, just close the equation editor window so that the equation is placed in the InDesign document, by cmd-W or cmd-S.
4. Changing the Baseline and Bounding margins
- The baseline of all equations
will be automatically adjusted. But if
you want to lower or raise the baseline,
you may do so.
- control-click on the
equation box to bring up the contextual
menu, and then select "Shift Baseline"
item, or
- select an equation box and choose "Shift Baseline" menu from the MathMagic menu
- You may also customize the bounding margin gaps(left, right, top, bottom) of the equation, by specifying other value from the last item of Define Spacing window in the MathMagic Pro application.
* System Requirements |
- PowerPC or Intel Macintosh running Mac OS X: 10.3 or later including 10.5 Leopard
- QuarkXPress v6.1 or QuarkXPress 7 - English or Passport
- About 15MB of hard disk space for complete
* Pricing |
- MathMagic Pro 1-User: US$499.00 ($695.00 with 2-year Free upgrade)
- Upgrade with additional 2-year free upgrades: $399.00
- 1-Month License: $75.00
- MathMagic Pro Academic 1-User: US$299.00 ($399.00 with 2-year Free upgrade)
- Upgrade with additional 2-year free upgrades: $299.00
- 1-Month License: $50.00
- Multi-user price available here
For the full pricing information, please
visit our online
Click here to go to the download page.
* History of Older Versions |
[Math+Magic], MathMagic, MathMagic Personal Edition, MathMagic Pro Edition, MathMagic Prime Edition, MathMagic logo, InfoLogic and InfoLogic logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of InfoLogic, Inc.
iWork, Pages, Keynote, AppleWorks, Mac OS X are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
MS Word, PowerPoint, Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft corp.
Adobe InDesign, InDesign CS, InDesign CS2, InDesign CS3, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
QuarkXPress, QuarkXPress XTensions are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quark, Inc.
All other trademarks may be the properties of their respective owners.
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